Corpus Christi
Catholic Parish

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Corpus Christi Parish online. We hope that our website offers you all the information you need to learn more about our community. Please feel free to read more about our parish on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
Our mission begins and ends with Jesus Christ. He gave the commission "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." To accomplish this mission we depend upon the full deposit of Faith as received in Holy Scriptures and in the Tradition of the Church. We draw our strength from the Sacraments and long for the Lord's return.
One of the beautiful things about our faith is that it is truly inexhaustible. There are so many ways to deepen our knowledge of Scripture and the Church. Here you can find some links to aid you as seek the know Jesus, who is "the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6
As of July 2023, Corpus Christi Parish is now merged with Queen of All Saints Parish (Fennimore, Castle Rock and Mount Hope) as "Into the Deep", Diocese of Madison's strategic restructuring, continues to be implemented.
Our joined Pastorate is now called:
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Pastorate
Diocese of Madison
Updated Weekend Mass Schedule since July 1, 2023
Corpus Christi Parish
Immaculate Conception, Boscobel
St. Joseph, Avoca
St. John the Baptist, Muscoda
4:00 pm Vigil Mass at Immaculate Conception, Boscobel
7:00 pm Mass at St. Joseph, Avoca
8:00 am Mass at Immaculate Conception, Boscobel
10:30 am Mass at St. John the Baptist, Muscoda
1:30 pm Mass in Spanish at St. John the Baptist, Muscoda
30 Minutes prior to each Mass
Weekend Mass Times:
Saturday 4 pm at Immaculate Conception in Boscobel
Saturday 7 pm at St. Joseph in Avoca
Sunday 8:00 am at Immaculate
Conception in Boscobel
Sunday 10:30 am at St. John the Baptist in Muscoda
Sunday 1:30 pm at St. John the Baptist in Muscoda, Hispanic Mass.
Weekday Mass Times
Mon to Sat 8:15 am at Immaculate Conception in Boscobel.
Mon - Friday (except Wed) 7 am at Saint John the Baptist in Muscoda.
Wed at 7 am at Saint Joseph in Avoca.
Mass at Nursing Homes
Last Friday of the month Mass at 9:45 am. at Riverdale Health Care Center, Muscoda.
The Last Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm. in Wisconsin Maximum Security facility in Boscobel.
30 minutes before each Mass.
Corpus Christi Catholic Parish consists of St. Malachy church in Clyde, St. Joseph (SJ) church in Avoca, St. John the Baptist (SJB) church in Muscoda, and Immaculate Conception (ICC) church in Boscobel, WI, which also houses the parish offices. The parish is in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Madison.